domingo, agosto 10, 2008

¿Debe enseñarse la poesia de Darwish en las Escuelas?

"Mahmoud Darwish is a national poet who incited against Judaism and Zionism. I am afraid [teaching his poetry] would arouse sentiments against Zionism, Judaism and the country," said Orlev, also the former chair of the Knesset Education Committee. "We must not be bleeding hearts. There are red lines that must never be crossed and he crossed the line."

Mahmoud Darwish es un poeta nacional (palestino) que incitó en contra del Judaismo
y el Sionismo. Me temo que generaría sentimientos en contra del Sionismo, Judaismo y
nuestro país (Israel). -dijo Zevulun Orlev, ex-primer ministro de educación en Israel.

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